Jet Commerce is a one-stop e-commerce solution and enabler.
Our ultimate aim is to empower the e-commerce growth in southeast Asia, through an easy & integrated end-to-end e-commerce solution for brands & sellers.
We have now based in few of the fastest growing e-commerce countries being Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand & China.
Jet Commerce is a one-stop e-commerce solution and enabler.
Our ultimate aim is to empower the e-commerce growth in southeast Asia, through an easy & integrated end-to-end e-commerce solution for brands & sellers.
We have now based in few of the fastest growing e-commerce countries being Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand & China.
Excellent store operation service to ensure seamless experience and seize opportunities that every brand or business has in this growing digital age.
Providing innovative marketing solution to your business with qualified professionals that have 12 years experience in global digital marketing.
Utilize professional graphic designers to enhance visuals and create a unique brand personality. Our designs are not just images that capture their audience, but also deliver brand stories and messages.
Customer needs and trust is the priority of every business. We ensure that you have the best yet incomparable customer service experience, preserving astounding loyalty in every customer relationship.
We facilitate your business with specialized technology solution. We offer fulfillment complements, serving businesses ranging from logistics, orders, return and packaging customization.
Let us do the hard work:
store managing – order processing – packaging – logistic
Focused on giving a fresh, innovative and satisfying
e-commerce experiences
Personalized strategic planning, forecasting e-commerce trend, advance and integrated system technology
Time-consuming, energy,
budget, and cost
Growth hacking, improving sales performance and report accuracy
20 May 2020
4 May 2020
24 April 2020
14 April 2020
2 April 2020
20 May 2020
Pandemi global COVID-19 ini menyebabkan perubahan besar bagi rantai pasokan setiap bisnis di berbagai negara, tak terkecuali rantai pasokan pada lini e-commerce. Mulai dari produk kebutuhan sehari-hari seperti pangan & sandang, hingga kebutuhan-kebutuhan produksi produsen/ pemilik bisnis, mengalami kelangkaan karena rantai pasokan yang terganggu.
4 May 2020
Sekadar meluncurkan suatu produk dan membuka toko online, tidaklah cukup untuk memenangkan hati customer. Anda perlu membangun suatu koneksi yang lebih dalam dengan customer. Mendengarkan masalah & kebutuhan mereka, dan mungkin bisa memberikan solusi melalui produk yang kita miliki adalah cara yang paling tepat untuk mendapat kepercayaan dan loyalitas dari online customer.
24 April 2020
Setelah mengalami pertumbuhan yang cukup stabil dalam beberapa dekade, e-commerce kembali mengalami lonjakan yang sangat tinggi dan bahkan menyentuh triple digit dari biasanya. Lonjakan ini tidaklah lain karena adanya dampak dari kebijakan untuk melakukan karantina mandiri dan juga social/ physical distancing di berbagai negara dan juga daerah.
14 April 2020
Menurut Microsoft State of Global Service Report, hampir 61% pelanggan masa kini melihat customer service sebagai sesuatu yang “sangat penting.” Di tahun 2020 ini, customer service diprediksi akan mengambil alih peran dari “harga” maupun “jenis produk” itu sendiri sebagai suatu pembeda yang signifikan diantara banyaknya Brands di luar sana.
2 April 2020
Sebagai e-commerce enabler yang dipercaya oleh berbagai Brands, kami (Jet Commerce) sadar akan pentingnya memenuhi kebutuhan customer yang sedang berusaha untuk bertahan di rumah, dan kami akan terus berusaha untuk memenuhi pesanan tersebut -hingga ada imbauan/ kebijakan lebih lanjut dari Pemerintah ataupun partner logistik kami.
Agung Kusuma, Marketing Manager
PT Mustika Ratu Tbk
Yusuf Efendy, E-commerce Manager
PT Unicharm Indonesia
Kenichi Nishijima, General Manager
PT Thermos Indonesia Trading
Agung Kusuma, Marketing Manager
PT Mustika Ratu Tbk
Our impression of working with Jet Commerce are excellent, they really helps us (Mustika Ratu) in every perspective. Start from the fulfillment, human resources, till online marketing, all are utilised by a very systematic strategy.
Yusuf Efendy, E-commerce Manager
PT Unicharm Indonesia
We have entrusted our brand to Jet Commerce even though this company has just been established in 2017. Currently, sales in our new store run smoothly along with the Jet Sales service. We hope our business cooperation will continue into the future.
Kenichi Nishijima, General Manager
PT Thermos Indonesia Trading
We, Thermos, love working with Jet Commerce who are helpful, cooperative and professional. Jet Commerce is an expert in their field and they truly know what they are doing. We wanted something more for our online business, and that’s exactly what Jet Commerce provided – something more and different. They established an all-inclusive online presence for us.